Freedom Project India

North Point Church has partnered with Anita Kanaiya (Center) and The Freedom Project India for some years now. We have witnessed the immense effect they have had on impoverished communities including direct rescue work, creating the “Azadi” home for rescued girls, Soccer outreach touching 900 at-risk boys, daycare, education, life skills and leadership training and many other programs.
"We believe in and value freedom and equality as basic human rights. Those trapped in poverty and exploitative situations have been denied these rights. We are committed to restoring these gifts and enabling precious lives to be lived to their full potential."
“Hearty Wholesome Bakery”
Azadi is TFPI’s government licensed safe house, where women survivors are taken through a 2-year rehabilitation and restoration program that focuses on holistic care. Besides meeting their immediate needs for food and shelter, the goal of Azadi is to empower each woman to acquire employment, become entrepreneurs and ultimately become financially-independent and self-sufficient. The above bakery is one of these unique efforts.
Azadi is TFPI’s government licensed safe house, where women survivors are taken through a 2-year rehabilitation and restoration program that focuses on holistic care. Besides meeting their immediate needs for food and shelter, the goal of Azadi is to empower each woman to acquire employment, become entrepreneurs and ultimately become financially-independent and self-sufficient. The above bakery is one of these unique efforts.

The Soccer program aims at improving the quality of life for 1500 young boys and their families in 30 underprivileged communities
across Bangalore, through the facilitation of a
sports program, livelihood training and family citizen role models and agents of change to contribute towards positive, sustainable outcomes for the target communities.
We believe that the fight against poverty and injustice needs to be a collaborative effort. We hold justice and mercy in the highest regard to bring hope to a hurting, broken world. We are committed to seeing the cycle of poverty broken, the enslaved set free, the oppressed delivered, the perpetrators brought to justice and justice and mercy prevail.
across Bangalore, through the facilitation of a
sports program, livelihood training and family citizen role models and agents of change to contribute towards positive, sustainable outcomes for the target communities.
We believe that the fight against poverty and injustice needs to be a collaborative effort. We hold justice and mercy in the highest regard to bring hope to a hurting, broken world. We are committed to seeing the cycle of poverty broken, the enslaved set free, the oppressed delivered, the perpetrators brought to justice and justice and mercy prevail.
Anita Kanaiya is a dedicated advocate for the poor and oppressed women and children in India, and a fighter for justice. Passionate about seeing an India that is empowered and skilled, she speaks and trains regularly around the world for the empowerment of Indian women and youth, and in support of community transformation through sport.
With over twenty years in leadership and organizational management, Anita Kanaiya has been instrumental in initiating and providing leadership in Bangalore for missing and exploited people. Working with Indian government agencies, she has greatly improved the ability to identify women and children who are, or could be, victims of trafficking locally and internationally. She has been serving on all levels from regular involvement in raids on brothels to establishing changes in policies affecting victims of slavery. Some victims are infants and children too young to speak for themselves. Because young women rescued from brothels are matriculated through the penal system, care for their needs devolved into abuse within the system. Due to the lack of adequate care, she began Azadi (Freedom) house, a unique concept in India, caring for the medical, emotional, spiritual and life-sustenance needs of these women and their young children.
With over twenty years in leadership and organizational management, Anita Kanaiya has been instrumental in initiating and providing leadership in Bangalore for missing and exploited people. Working with Indian government agencies, she has greatly improved the ability to identify women and children who are, or could be, victims of trafficking locally and internationally. She has been serving on all levels from regular involvement in raids on brothels to establishing changes in policies affecting victims of slavery. Some victims are infants and children too young to speak for themselves. Because young women rescued from brothels are matriculated through the penal system, care for their needs devolved into abuse within the system. Due to the lack of adequate care, she began Azadi (Freedom) house, a unique concept in India, caring for the medical, emotional, spiritual and life-sustenance needs of these women and their young children.