welcome to
"Following Jesus in the Company of Friends"
North Point Church is a place where people can meet Jesus, engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday services!
You are invited on Sunday mornings at 9:30am
1779 NE Hostmark St, Poulsbo
Current Sermon Series
This Sunday's message will be based upon the Apostle Paul's vision for Christian Community where we each play a role (I Corinthians 12: 1-27). Stewarding our God-given talents in a way that blesses others at North Point Church, our local community and our local and global ministry partners is essential to our mission to 'Follow Jesus in the Company of Friends, to the Glory of God and for the Sake of Others'. Please join us on Sunday as we worship God in Spirit and Truth and discover where God is calling you to steward your talents. Our newly formed Worship Band will be leading us in song so please come to support them in their musical gifts.
Pastor Rob
Pastor Rob
Ladies and Lasses: You’re Cordially Invited to a Par-Tea! Saturday, September 28, 10am to 12pm, North Point Fellowship Hall
Join us for a delightful morning tea on Saturday, September 28th, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Inspired by the beloved lavender cookies from this year’s Bake Off, we’re excited to serve them alongside an array of other treats. Bring your friends, family, and even your teddy bears! Everything will be provided, and you’re welcome to dress up for a proper tea, if you wish. To help us prepare, please sign up on the sheet in the lobby or email Kate to let us know if you plan on attending. We look forward to seeing you there!